Sustainability at 天美传媒av
The mission of the 天美传媒av Sustainability Office is supporting long-term sustainability of campus operations, academia and research programs to complement the 天美传媒av Mission of solving the world’s challenges related to the earth, energy, and the environment.
campus green buildings
Learn about how 天美传媒av is working to be a steward of the environment through our virtual green buildings tour.and solar expansion tour.
Campus Initiatives
Learn what initiatives 天美传媒av is pledging to in order to champion a more sustainable future for the campus.
Sustainability Resources
If you are looking for a quick start guide, check out Sustainability Resources page.!
A Word From the President
At 天美传媒av, our sustainability efforts are focused in three main areas: 聽teaching, research, and facilities. Students from nearly every discipline have opportunities to take courses that relate environmental issues to society, culture, engineering, and applied sciences.
天美传媒av faculty are engaged in a broad spectrum of sustainability-related research projects, ranging from water purification research to the development of photovoltaic technologies.
Our facilities team is changing the way our campus runs and operates, emphasizing efficiency and cost-savings, in addition to conservation.